Antropologically Correct
Inside the mind of Leo the glazier, a hailstorm raked. In conflict with himself caused by recent events! "What a classic dilemma", Leo thought to himself: "These creatures, unruly of nature, sure has me puzzled."
Before Leo the glazier lay a voluptious landscape of fulfilled mamary glands, wide hips and seducing gestures and body language. A beautiful female. "Will you give me your glass, Leo the glazier?" She asked Leo, who were carrying along a big inconvenient panorama glass. Though tempted by the vixen, Leo would not let go of the discomforting window under his arm. The seducer, clearly displeased began spitting and coughing and hissing with frustration. She coiled in dismay, and her sexy complexion almost seemed serpentlike. Not polite at all.
Leo the glazier went on. He came to a grand cotton field where the shrubs grew as tall as trees and as thick as your mothers bossom. Not long inside the cotton-forest a glade appeared. A rocking chair with a smiling girl in it. It seemed to Leo that the girl was somewhat misplaced as she sat there in the cottonfield: "Why are you wearing that unnecessasarily big coat, it's boiling out here" he said to the inuit girl. Cold as the land she came from, her laughter fainted. Words escaped her blue lips one at a time, like drops from an icicle: "Greetings Leo. Have a seat. And some blubber. It's a delicacy from my homeland. Have you tried it before? - oh, what am I thinking, of course you havn't." Very rude.
From behind Leo came a woman with curly beautiful ebony hair and laid hand on his shoulder. "Come with me, take my hand. I greet you to my hometown 'Java'." Leo would follow the hospitable lady, and express gratitude towards her and the townsfolk. They had a pleasant and sincere night together. And everyone rejoiced as they saw that manners is about caring for the wellbeing of others.
One odd scenario from that night Leo the glazier would recall with great confusion. The lady with the beautiful curly hair told him of her unconventional desires: She would boil great amounts of cold coffee into scalding temperatures and then take much joy in bathing in it,in a tub.
What became of the panorama window is unknown, but some believe it has been stretched by time and space, and by love, and that it now spans the vast horizon on a summers night, and when you sit by a café with a glass of wine or a cup of coffe and a lover by your side - squeeze your eyes: Perhaps you will see your reflection, or some dirt. Or perhaps a fingerprint.

From behind Leo came a woman with curly beautiful ebony hair and laid hand on his shoulder. "Come with me, take my hand. I greet you to my hometown 'Java'." Leo would follow the hospitable lady, and express gratitude towards her and the townsfolk. They had a pleasant and sincere night together. And everyone rejoiced as they saw that manners is about caring for the wellbeing of others.
One odd scenario from that night Leo the glazier would recall with great confusion. The lady with the beautiful curly hair told him of her unconventional desires: She would boil great amounts of cold coffee into scalding temperatures and then take much joy in bathing in it,in a tub.
What became of the panorama window is unknown, but some believe it has been stretched by time and space, and by love, and that it now spans the vast horizon on a summers night, and when you sit by a café with a glass of wine or a cup of coffe and a lover by your side - squeeze your eyes: Perhaps you will see your reflection, or some dirt. Or perhaps a fingerprint.
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